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D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases)
Underground City at the Getty Museum
The Government's Secret Underground Nuclear Bunker WHILE THE REST OF US
Lue Elizondo Lies about the DUMBs
The D.U.M.B.s are IDENTICAL to The Nazi Death Marches
Evidence The D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) are in fact real
More on Phil
Project ice worm
The D.U.M.B.s are IDENTICAL to The Nazi Death Marches why?
The Elite, Rothschild has been trading them Human Beings as food and drug, Adrenochrome for technology since the 1930s.
Until The US Military Double Crossed them at the last minute on December 7th 2018 resulting in "The All Seeing Eye" which comes from Orion appearing over The Pentagon December 19th 2018.
The aliens have been bringing their population through.
Project Excalibur, Agenda 21 & The Double Cross
Since then The US Military has been destroying all of the D.U.M.B.s. Why? Because ORION was bring their population through to invade Humanity.
This is why The US Military has been training soldiers for subT or subterranean incursions to flush out the aliens.
Space Force was originally designed as ORION's invasion force. This is why Orion is NOT in the Space Force logo.
The aliens were allowed to hunt Human Beings in the National Forests. This is why The Missing 411 documentary of the millions of people who go missing every year ALIGNS PERFECTLY to the D.U.M.B.s.
What were they doing down there? They've been eating Human Beings, Adrenochrome Harvesting, Human experimentation, and preparing for an invasion.
Is HELL a real place? What have 'they' been doing in HELL?
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